How to Get your Foot in the Real Estate Development Door

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How to Get your Foot in the Real Estate Development Door

Par Tim Spindlove, Senior Recruitment Consultant – Développement immobilier & Construction Recruitment

Embarking on a career in real estate development? Curious about the essential steps to kickstart your journey?  

I’ve consulted with professionals in the real estate development sector to provide valuable insights on how to successfully enter the field of real estate development. 

Contributors: Graham Carter, CEO at Vertex Developments (Vancouver, BC) and Patti Krawiec, People and Culture Manager at Madison Group of Companies (Toronto, ON). 

What educational background or qualifications are most valuable for individuals pursuing a career in real estate development? 

Graham: Qualifications related to the field, such as finance or architecture, are crucial. For development, a balance between the creative and logical aspects is key. Backgrounds in engineering, economics, and technical professions are highly desirable, showcasing an understanding of logic processes. 

Patti: The required background depends on the role. Common educational paths include Construction Management diplomas, Project Management, and Urban Planning. 

How important is relevant work experience for entry-level positions in the real estate industry? 

Graham: It helps but is not critical for entry-level roles. 

Patti: Relevant work experience is not as crucial for entry-level positions. Drive, motivation, willingness to learn, and adaptability are key qualities. 

What key skills and competencies are highly sought after, and how can candidates showcase these on their resumes? 


– Logic-based decision-making 

– Collaborative teamwork 

– Knowing when to push or hold back 

– Ability to break down complex issues 

Demonstrate these through prior experiences or stories on your resume and in your interview. 


– Adaptability 

– Time management 

– Problem-solving 

– Teamwork 

Use examples of projects or experiences highlighting these skills during interviews. 


Are there specific professional certifications or training programs recommended for entering the real estate development field? 

Graham: No specific recommendations. 

Patti: This depends on the role we are hiring for.  

For your consideration: Training programs focusing on industry-specific knowledge are valuable. For example, in BC, the Diploma of Urban Land Economics may be beneficial. 

What advice do you have for candidates regarding networking within the real estate industry? 

Graham: In BC we have a small industry, and the saying is true its not what you know that matters, its who you know. 

I recommend getting involved in networking thru industry events and using tools like LinkedIn to network to make meaningful connections. We have the luxury in our market of, within reason, being able to reach out to anyone. So choose wisely, but don’t be afraid to reach out. Make sure you are prepared, don’t always have an ‘ask’ and be authentic to yourself and your situation. 

Patti: The real estate industry is small, and networking opportunities are vast. Get involved with associations, attend seminars, and participate in networking events. Recommendations from industry connections can be valuable for career advancement. 

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