Recruitment Origin Story – NEDA MIRJABARI

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The world of recruitment revolves around people, so being a recruitment group, we want to share and acknowledge the people that make up DMC Recruitment. With a blatant steal from X-Men we are going to title this series of blogs our “Origin Stories”. The idea is to give our candidates and clients a better idea of the personality and background of the consultant they are working with. To kick off this series, we will be sharing the origin story of one of our Architecture & Design super recruiters, Neda Mirjabari. 

What was your background before recruitment?

I’ve been all over the sales world, but always sales-based roles. It started out in high-end retail, then moved into everything. Honestly, I’ve worked in every part of sales. You name it, I’ve done it. I was trying to find my place in the industry and learning the skill set. I just knew that sales was my thing, and that’s what my background is prior to recruitment. 

What type of recruitment do you specialize in?

I specialize in all things architecture and design. That can be anything from, obviously architects, to structural engineers, or interior design. So, everything is within the design space.

What do you enjoy about recruiting in this space?

I enjoy the creativity. We get to talk to super passionate people every day. I think there’s a lot of roles where people are just in it because of the money or that’s where life took them. But architecture and interior design, there’s passion there. People love what they do, and so it makes it really interesting to talk to them every day. 

What makes you a good recruiter? 

I’m a people person. I think above all else, I love getting to know people. I’m good at identifying what people are truly after, even if they don’t necessarily know that, and just making sure that they feel supported and cared for throughout the process. Recruitment is sales in some sense, but it’s really about people management on both sides, client and candidate, and that’s where I would say that I excel. 

What helps you succeed as a recruiter?

I’m super adaptable, I’m friendly. I think that people like talking to me. They naturally share a bit more with me than they would with other people, which I think gives me the upper hand because I get to the nitty-gritty of what they’re looking for, and that really tends to help me daily.

What’s your favorite recruitment memory?

I would say my favorite memory from my recruitment career was helping someone find a role and having them turn around two months later and text me and say, “This was the best decision I’ve ever made. Thank you so much for your support. I’ve worked with other people in this industry, and I’ve never felt so cared for.” That, for me, is the reason I do this every single day. So, getting that feedback two months later really tells me that that person had a day that left them feeling like, “Wow, I need to text Neda”, and that’s hard to beat.

How would you define recruitment in three words?

Difficult, flexible, and fulfilling

If a recruiter was an animal, what animal would a recruiter be?

I would say a dog. You got to be adaptable. You got to be a people person, and you have to be a dog with bone. When you want something, you go after it. And if that means 10 calls and 20 emails, it’s what it takes. 

As we draw this spotlight to a close, we learnt about Neda’s sales background, her love for recruiting in architecture and design, and much more. We’d like to invite you to connect with Neda on LinkedIn if you haven’t already and discover more about what she has going on! Neda also has a short biography and a continuously growing collection of testimonials which can be viewed on our website. 

If you’re intrigued by the world of recruiting and aspire to learn more about carving a successful career path in this dynamic field, reach out to Stephen Borer, a partner at DMC Recruitment Group.

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